AIIC Greece & Cyprus
AIIC Greece & Cyprus -


The pandemic disrupted the conference sector and, alongside it, the profession of conference interpreters; at the same time, it was instrumental in leveraging technology to deliver new solutions. 

With the advent of COVID-19, online platforms offering the possibility of organising conferences remotely have flourished and gained enormous traction.  
Together with obvious benefits, major challenges have also emerged: the platforms were not designed with sufficient regard to the needs of interpreters, who at the time were not familiar with the new modalities. Best practices had not yet been developed to facilitate the seamless use of these tools, while giving due consideration to the quality of interpretation and the health of interpreters. 
From the outset AIIC has played a leading role by undertaking a large number of actions: it has developed a number of guidelines and best practices, has carried out trial tests on platforms and necessary technical equipment. In addition, it has negotiated agreements with International Institutions on working conditions for interpreters in remote settings.

Photo Credit: Edwin Hopper - Unsplash 

AIIC best practices for interpreters during the COVID-19 pandemic

These guidelines are addressed to interpreters who are required to work at their client's premises. They also include advice to remote speakers when they participate in meetings using remote platforms with simultaneous interpretation. 

You will find the best practices here

AIIC recommendations on institutions and DI hubs during the COVID-19 pandemic

AIIC has issued these recommendations to help Ιnternational Ιnstitutions employing interpreters as permanent staff or as freelance professionals deal with the numerous problems caused by the pandemic. AIIC recognises that the use of DI platforms has been temporarily made necessary for public health reasons and that some of these are more suitable to ensure multilingualism and protect interpreters’ health. 

You will find the recommendations here.

AIIC Interpreter Checklist for Performing Remote Interpreting Assignments from Home in extremis during the Covid-19 Pandemic

AIIC, in general, recommends that its members do not accept work remotely (simultaneous interpretation platforms) from home for a number of reasons (lack of contact with speakers, lack of cooperation with colleagues, technical and legal problems, etc.). In general, AIIC considers that the profession of conference interpreters is inextricably linked to the concept of teamwork and the interpreters of the same language should be co-located and not working separately at home or in their own office. This is why working from remote interpretation hubs is recommended (see definition in the glossary) when interpreters cannot be onsite.

However, AIIC also recognises that, during the COVID-19 public health crisis, the use of such platforms is often inevitable and has therefore issued this checklist for colleagues who will, exceptionally, choose to work from their own space.  

You will find the list of tips here.

AIIC recommendations on remote interpretation

AIIC has been engaged in work related to remote interpretation and the rules governing it for a long time. In addition to the above recommendations related to the pandemic, it has produced a number of documents outlining its positions, as well as advice and best practices. 

───  Guidelines for Distance Interpreting (2020 version)

───  Tips for speakers (2020 version)

───  Notes on Videoconferencing (2015 version)

───  Interpretation on the Internet (2015 version)

───  AIIC position on Distance Interpreting